Brainstorm Private Consulting offers a wide range of public and private courses and training programs.
We design, build and adapt our training programs with our clients and for our clients. Our public courses are given
in universities, collages and organizations. Our private training is aimed for individuals and managers.
Brainstorm Private Consulting trainers are highly skilled and proffesional. Our instructors bring many years of theoretical and
practical experience from top universities, leading companies and elite technological units in the military and intelligence agencies.
We provide basic and advanced courses in the fields of networking, network security, cyber security, cyber terrorism,
data mining and anomaly detection.
These courses are given at the location of the customer. The courses last between 1 to 20 days and can be
custom made to meet the needs of the customer.
Here are some examples of our courses:
Anomaly Detection: Theory, Algorithms and APT War Game
In this 5 days unique course we will dive into the theoretical and practical world of Anomaly Detection.
We will introduce and practice anomaly detection techniques and explore several real-world cyber security problems.
This course is theoretical and practical (you will develop your own anomaly detection techniques) with many demos and examples.
We will conclude this course with a unique cyber war game, where a red team (the Advanced Persistent Threat attacker) is trying to attack
an organization and the red teams are trying to detect the APT attacks using anomaly detection methods.
Anomaly Detection: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
In this 30-100 hours unique course we will explore the fascinating science and art of Anomaly Detection.
We will introduce and practice the latest anomaly detection techniques and explore different applications of anomaly detection.
For example, Cyber security, fraud detection, performance monitoring, medical diagnostics and more.
This course is theoretical and practical (you will develop your own anomaly detection techniques) with many demos and examples.
Networking and Cyber Security
In this 5 sessions course we will explore the vulnerabilities of the TCP/IP infrastructure protocols and identify their weaknesses.
We will survey, analyze and understand them but we will also develop and practice attack techniques.
We will practice the most devastating attacks and learn how to protect against them.
This course is theoretical and practical (you will develop your own attacks) with many demos and examples.
In order to participate in this course, you don't need a deep background in networking and you don't need an extensive knowledge in programming.
Introduction to TCP/IP
In this 1 day course you will explore the history of TCP/IP protocol, the TCP/IP architecture, Internet support groups,
the OSI reference model, IP addressing, and IP protocol.
After you complete this course you will be able to identify the components of the TCP/IP model and the
OSI model, recognize how the Internet is supported, how allocation of IP address
for private networks is structured, and identify components of the IP protocol.