Brainstorm Private Consulting deals with complicated tasks that require vast knowledge, experience, innovation and state of the art solutions.
Our vision relies on providing the best solutions where professionalism and integrity play important roles.
Our work methodology relies on close cooperation with our customers and a modular handling of the problem that allows flexibility and monitoring
of progress.
Our team has experience working with government departments, military organizations, financial institutions, intelligence agencies and commercial businesses who
all have unique challenges.
Brainstorm Private Consulting offers various solutions and services:
Here are some examples of our recent solutions:
Networking and Cyber security
The challenges of the Internet and the Cyber space are considerable and the skilled hacker or criminal can be very effective in overcoming
and defeating security systems, especially with insider knowledge. Protecting organizations from the increasing array of threats requires
a range of expertise and advanced security techniques.
Brainstorm Private Consulting has a range of offerings in Cyber security, offensive and defensive security technique and network health monitoring.
In addition, we provide skills in data mining and knowledge discovery, anomaly detection and classification to identify threats and previously
hidden attack vectors as well as mine for evidence of both on-going and historical security breaches.
We can provide a deep security analysis capability blending a range of innovative techniques and tools to provide high quality intelligence led solutions.
Intelligence applications
The analysis of intelligence data is usually not a simple task. The challanges are significant and require highly skilled researchers.
Intelligence data is usually high-dimensional and its sources are heterogenous. For example, a blend of cell phones activity, Internet activity and hyperspectral images.
Intelligent pre-processing of the data, which includes fusion of the different sources and feature extraction, is crucial.
Brainstorm Private Consulting has a range of offerings in intelligence data analysis.
In addition, we provide skills in data mining and knowledge discovery, anomaly detection and classification to identify important events that can
indicate, for example, about
terror activity and predict, for example, terror events .
We can provide a deep intelligence data analysis capability blending a range of innovative techniques and tools to provide
high quality intelligence led solutions.
Medical applications
Medical data can come from heterogenous sources and devices. For example, electronic health records, labs, MRI and EKG. The data can be represented by textual,
numeric or nominal features but it can also be described by continuous graphs and hyperspectral images. In addition, the medical data
is usually high-dimensional and noisy. Hence, data mining in medical data involves sophisticated fusion of the different sources, intelligent pre-processing,
normalization and smart feature selection.
Brainstorm Private Consulting has a range of offerings in mining medical data.
In addition, we provide skills in data mining and knowledge discovery, clustering and classification
(for example, to automatically diagnose patients) and
anomaly detection (for example, early detection of anomalous cells).
We can provide a deep medical data analysis capability blending and fusing a range of innovative techniques and tools to provide
high quality intelligence led solutions.
Financial applications
The analysis of financial markets faces great challanges. Usually the markets are hard to analyze and predict and common technical analysis techniques are insufficient.
Trends keep changing constantly and it's not easy to predict the changes. There are heterogenous sources of financial data. Some are common and official, like
stocks exchanges,
but some are more obscure, like social networks and news.
Brainstorm Private Consulting has a range of offerings in mining financial data, detection of trends (like bull and bear markets) and prediction of
market/stocks behavior, like the future direction of a specific stock.
In addition, we provide skills in data mining and knowledge discovery, anomaly detection and classification to identify important events in the past and present
that can help to predict the future.
We can provide a deep financial analysis capability blending a range of innovative techniques and tools to provide high quality intelligence led solutions.