Man in the middle attacks

This is the fourth (out of five) session in the Networking and Cyber Security course. In this session we will explore, understand and practice Man in the middle (MITM) attacks. We will learn how to compromise the TCP/IP protocols to perform the most devastating attacks. We will learn how to defeat the most secured protocols and how to bypass authentications and encryptions. We will explore methods for detection and protection against MITM attacks. We will use many examples and demos.

After you complete this course you will be able to perform Man in the middle attacks. You will be able to develop your own tools for MITM attacks. You will be able to detect MITM attacks in your networks and block them.

2 days


Man in the middle attacks
MITM scenario and flow

MITM basics
LAN attacks (for example, ARP poisoning)
Local to remote attacks (for example, DHCP spoofing)
Remote attacks (for example, DNS spoofing)
Programming, examples and demos

MITM advanced attacks
Filteing and injection attacks (for example, in HTTP)
Downgrade of security algorithms (for example, in SSH)
Encryption key manipulation (for example, in SSL)
Filtering and injecton attacks in secured protocols (for example, in HTTPS)
Programming, examples and demos

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